
David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate_ How to Love Your Home’s Imperfections - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Reno Real Estate Tips

The Reality of Real Estate: How to Love Your Home’s Imperfections

David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate_ How to Love Your Home’s Imperfections - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Reno Real Estate Tips

It’s likely that when you purchase a home, you’ll notice things that you’d like to change. From the interior and exterior paint to the layout and function of your home, there’s bound to be some projects that you’d like to tackle to make your home customized to your style and needs. We’re here to help you realize that those imperfections are worth loving and that each home is unique.


Look for the positives in your home

It can be easy to focus on the negatives of your home, but there are surely many reasons why you decided to purchase your home – focus on them! Even some of the items that you may not love about your home may have some positive attributes that you appreciate.


If the carpet in your living room may not have been your first choice, but if it’s soft and feels wonderful to squish your toes into after a long day at work, focus on that. If the countertops in your kitchen aren’t your usual style but are easy to clean, focus on that. If you wish your fireplace had a more distinct fireplace, but your favorite memories involve sitting by the fire in the winter with your family, focus on that.


Don’t compare your home

When you visit your friends and family, it’s easy to feel envy creeping up at aspects of their home that you’d like to see in yours. Remember that everyone has a home to-do list on items that they’d like to change, so don’t let your home feel inferior to someone else’s.


Ignore the doubters and negative Nancies

We all have those people in our lives that we love unconditionally, but have the habit of pointing out flaws and giving constructive feedback that we haven’t asked for. The worst is when they point out things that we had yet to notice and after they leave, feeling the overwhelming need to start working on projects. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself of why you decided to purchase your home in the first place. Thank them for their tips and steer the conversation in a new direction.


Make a to-do list and consistently check off improvement tasks

If there are serious home improvement projects you’d like to tackle in order to make you fall in love with your home a little more, make a list of them, and make a gameplan of when and how you will take care of them. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself by doing it all at one time.


If you need a team that will give you the advice other agents won’t, reach out to the David Morris Group. We’re happy to help you find a home you love to call home, so give us a shout at (775) 828-3292 anytime.


David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate - Ditch These Unrealistic Dreams - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Real Estate Advice

The Reality of Real Estate – Ditch These Unrealistic Dreams

David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate - Ditch These Unrealistic Dreams - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Real Estate Advice

We’ve all been sucked into the HGTV vortex a time or two. You sit down to watch an episode of Property Brothers while eating your leftovers only to look up four episodes and four hours later to realize that it’s past your bedtime and that you now want to take a sledgehammer to a wall in your living room to open up the space. It’s hard not to fall under the spell of these home improvement shows, but it can also be hard to push these unrealistic home goals out of your head when it comes time to buy a home. We’re here to tell you that when you decide to enter the real estate market, you have to ditch these unrealistic dreams.


1. Pinterest Homes Live Only on Pinterest

Just like HGTV, Pinterest and Instagram can have you making a home want list a mile long and giving you expectations that will never be met. If you’re looking for a designer home, you’ll have to pay the designer price tag that comes along with it. It’s much easier to find a home that meets everything you need, has some of the items you want, and leaves you with a budget that you can save to add those designed features you’re looking for in your forever home.


2. Your Home Won’t Need Any Repairs

We can almost guarantee that when you get the home inspection report on a home you like, there will be items that need to be repaired and even some unforeseen maintenance that needs to be made within a year or two of moving in.


3. Remodeling is as Easy as it Looks in the TV Shows

HGTV shows major transformations that are packaged into 30 or 60-minute timeslots, but the reality is that remodels can take months for just one room in your home. They can also come with heavy price tags when you factor in the cost of labor and if you choose pricier materials.


We may have popped your reality TV fantasy bubble, but trust us, it’ll help you see the larger picture and focus on what’s important when searching for your home. We want to make sure you don’t get caught up in the glitz and glam, like so many others do. The David Morris Group is here to help offer the real-world advice you’ll need to navigate the Reno real estate market and find the right home for you. Never hesitate to reach out to us at (775) 828-3292.


David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate: You Have to Compromise - Reno Real Estate Advice

The Reality of Real Estate – You Have to Compromise

David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate: You Have to Compromise - Reno Real Estate Advice

Just like in friendships and relationships, the key to coming out of the home buying experience on top is to compromise. We’re not saying that you should compromise on everything, but holding out for a home that meets your budget, is in your ideal neighborhood, and has all of the bells and whistles you’d dreamt of is about as likely as hitting the lottery. It does happen, but not often enough to make it the rule.


So that leads to the question, what should you compromise on and what are factors that will heavily weigh in on deciding that a property isn’t right for you? We’ve been around long enough to know what compromises will help you find a home that you’ll spend many happy years growing and thriving in. Take a look at our list of where to begin making compromises:


1. Items that need to be repaired in a home

Unless you’re buying a home that’s been recently built, there’s likely to be items that need to be repaired. You’ll need some leniency when it comes to plumbing and electrical repairs. Your REALTOR® will be able to help you understand the severity of the repairs, but we warn you that if you’re looking at an older home with a roof that’s getting closer to the end of its life or items that aren’t up to the current code, it’s not reasonable to request the seller make those repairs before purchasing the home.


2. Pricing

Staying rigid on the price you’re willing to pay when you enter negotiations with a seller can have a huge hindrance on the process. If you’re not willing to work with the seller and come to a compromise, it’s likely to make them less willing to work with you. In a competitive market where the seller is receiving multiple offers, you want to be flexible. Keep your budget at the top of your mind and make sure your REALTOR® knows the real number you cannot exceed, but don’t put yourself in a situation that has the seller feeling boxed in and walking away from the transaction.


3. Look at the bigger picture

As you’re going through the process, focusing on your ultimate goal is crucial to your long-term happiness. It’s easy to get caught up in the nuances of negotiations but if the pesky details won’t matter in the long run, then don’t spend extra energy worrying about them. If things aren’t running quite how you expected, take a deep breath, remind yourself of what is important, and talk with your team about how you can compromise to make a deal both you and the seller can agree on.


The “dream home” may be a myth, but the “dream team” isn’t. If you’re looking to work with real estate professionals who will give you the real answers, insights, and advice about what it takes to buy or sell a home in Reno’s current market, the David Morris Group is who you should rely on. Never hesitate to give us a call at (775) 828-3292.