
David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate_ Finding Beauty in Your Home - Best Reno Real Estate Team - DMG - Reno Homes

The Reality of Real Estate: How to Find the Beauty in Your Current Home Instead of Selling

David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate_ Finding Beauty in Your Home - Best Reno Real Estate Team - DMG - Reno Homes

It’s easy to get caught up in the wow factors you see while viewing a property, but when you’ve closed on the deal, unpacked your items, and lived in the house for a few years, you’ll notice things that don’t quite work for your family or items that you have begun to hate about your home. When you find yourself focusing on the things that you’d like to change, we have some tips to help you find the beauty and fall in love with your space once again.


1. Add a feel-good factor.

If you have a favorite color that lifts your mood, a piece of artwork that you’ve always adored and would like to see hanging, or photos that always bring a smile to your face, then make them the focus of an area of your home you feel needs a little extra love. A bright focus wall in your living room, a gorgeous painting in the dining room, and a photo collage wall in your bedroom will draw the eye and immediately be the new talking point of the room.


2. Make donations.

You may be surprised how getting rid of unnecessary objects, clothes, and books can make you and your home feel lighter. It clears up space and can give you new ideas for how to use the space. Gather up the items that don’t add joy to the house and donate them to a local organization.


3. Tackle one project that could add a little wow factor.

There are all kinds of DIY projects for every budget and skill level. From making a chalkboard table to dressing up your house number sign, we recommend you get your hands dirty and try one of those projects that you’ve loved seeing on your favorite HGTV shows.


4. Look at the space in a new way.

Sometimes how the furniture is arranged can impact how you look at each room, so try to rearrange where you place things in order to give your home a new look and feel.


5. Draw attention to your home’s best features.

No matter how many things you don’t like, there are three more features you do like that can be highlighted to draw your attention. If you love the natural light that your windows bring in, add curtains or shades that will draw the eye when you have the sunlight streaming in. If you love the French doors, add a little pop of color to the doors themselves or the wall they’re located on to draw people’s eyes to them.


In this day and age, negative news makes more headlines than the positive, and it can skew how we look at the world and how we look at our own homes, but we guarantee there are always more things to love. Try these tips to help you find the beauty in your home before reaching out to the David Morris Group at (775) 828-3292 to help you sell your home and find a new one.


David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate_ How to Love Your Home’s Imperfections - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Reno Real Estate Tips

The Reality of Real Estate: How to Love Your Home’s Imperfections

David Morris Group - The Reality of Real Estate_ How to Love Your Home’s Imperfections - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Reno Real Estate Tips

It’s likely that when you purchase a home, you’ll notice things that you’d like to change. From the interior and exterior paint to the layout and function of your home, there’s bound to be some projects that you’d like to tackle to make your home customized to your style and needs. We’re here to help you realize that those imperfections are worth loving and that each home is unique.


Look for the positives in your home

It can be easy to focus on the negatives of your home, but there are surely many reasons why you decided to purchase your home – focus on them! Even some of the items that you may not love about your home may have some positive attributes that you appreciate.


If the carpet in your living room may not have been your first choice, but if it’s soft and feels wonderful to squish your toes into after a long day at work, focus on that. If the countertops in your kitchen aren’t your usual style but are easy to clean, focus on that. If you wish your fireplace had a more distinct fireplace, but your favorite memories involve sitting by the fire in the winter with your family, focus on that.


Don’t compare your home

When you visit your friends and family, it’s easy to feel envy creeping up at aspects of their home that you’d like to see in yours. Remember that everyone has a home to-do list on items that they’d like to change, so don’t let your home feel inferior to someone else’s.


Ignore the doubters and negative Nancies

We all have those people in our lives that we love unconditionally, but have the habit of pointing out flaws and giving constructive feedback that we haven’t asked for. The worst is when they point out things that we had yet to notice and after they leave, feeling the overwhelming need to start working on projects. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself of why you decided to purchase your home in the first place. Thank them for their tips and steer the conversation in a new direction.


Make a to-do list and consistently check off improvement tasks

If there are serious home improvement projects you’d like to tackle in order to make you fall in love with your home a little more, make a list of them, and make a gameplan of when and how you will take care of them. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself by doing it all at one time.


If you need a team that will give you the advice other agents won’t, reach out to the David Morris Group. We’re happy to help you find a home you love to call home, so give us a shout at (775) 828-3292 anytime.