
David Morris Group - Home Organizing Tips - Easy Ways to Organize your Home - Home Organization Hacks - Home Organization Tips - Easy Tips to Organize Your Home

Home Organizing Tips

David Morris Group - Home Organizing Tips - Easy Ways to Organize your Home - Home Organization Hacks - Home Organization Tips - Easy Tips to Organize Your Home

Soon your social media will be filled with spring cleaning reminders, and it’ll be back to the tidying craze that swept the world after Marie Kondo’s Netflix show was released. We’ve gathered some of our favorite home organizing tips to help you clean away any clutter or mess that you’ve been avoiding.


  1. Drawer Organizers – Messy drawers can have a negative impact on your productivity and can easily accumulate junk you no longer need. Spend some time going through your drawers and invest in some organizers or dividers that will help you keep things separated, and always put things back in the drawer they belong.
  2. Practice the One In, One Out Rule – In order to keep your home from accumulating things you don’t need, use, or wear, make a rule that if you purchase something, it has to replace something else you own. If your kids want to buy a new toy, they have to donate a toy that they no longer play with.
  3. Use Every Inch of Your Cabinets – Your cabinet doors have storage potential. Add small bins to bathroom cabinet doors, and they can be used to store makeup, hair accessories, styling tools, etc. It helps keep everything organized and off of your bathroom counter. You can even do the same thing in your kitchen and use the doors to store spices.
  4. Maximize Fridge and Freezer Space – Boxes can be clunky and take up precious space in your fridge and freezer. Invest in some bins that allow you to store food, stay organized, and help you keep inventory of what your family has and what they need from the grocery store.
  5. Add Floating Shelves to Your Bathroom – The bathroom has limited space, tons of necessities to store, and can cause frustration for many. If you have room, add skinny floating shelves to one side of your bathroom wall that doesn’t take up too much space, but allows you to store things like towels, toilet paper, etc. If you don’t have room for a wall of skinny shelves, install small floating shelves near the bathroom mirror. Those shelves can store your makeup brushes, face washes, lotions, etc. The more you can keep off your bathroom counter, the more organized you’ll feel!
  6. Hang a Towel Bar Near Your Sink or Stove – Towel bars can be the perfect storage solution for the kitchen. With hanging organizers that can be hooked onto the bar and store your most-used spices, as well as S hooks that can be used to hang cooking utensils, measuring cups, or mugs, it’ll keep everything you need at your fingertips.

There are tons of ways to organize your home and utilize every inch of your space. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your home, try tackling one area at a time and ask yourself if your current storage techniques are functional or if they could be improved upon.


If you find yourself in need of a home with more square footage or a layout that better fits your home and lifestyle, contact the David Morris Group. We’re here to make sure you have a house you’re happy to come home to. Whether you’re in need of buying or selling advice, we’re always available at (775) 828-3292.