
David Morris Group - Home Maintenance Tasks to Tackle Over the Weekend - Home Maintenance Plan - Home Maintenance Tasks - Reno Weekend Plans

Home Maintenance Tasks to Tackle Over the Weekend

David Morris Group - Home Maintenance Tasks to Tackle Over the Weekend - Home Maintenance Plan - Home Maintenance Tasks - Reno Weekend Plans

Summer is the season of fun. With more time spent outdoors and enjoying the company of friends and family, it’s important to make sure your home is in tip-top shape. If you’re looking to make your home the perfect paradise during the warmer months, start with these home maintenance tasks to tackle over the weekend!

Replace outdoor lighting

Check that porch lights, landscape lights, and motion-sensor lights are all in working order. Replace any bulbs or schedule repairs for anything that’s not working. You can also add some twinkly lights to your backyard for a true outdoor retreat.

Inspect kitchen and bath fixtures

In order to prevent costly water damage and repairs, keep an eye on kitchen and bath fixtures. Regrout and recaulk areas around counters and tile that are in need of a refresh and have any slow leaks repaired immediately.

Check all alarms and detectors

The U.S. Fire Administration recommends that smoke alarms are tested at least once a month and replaced every 10 years. Take care to test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and other security measures you have in place to make sure everything is in working order.

Prep the grill

Deep cleaning the grill before you start the summer BBQ season will keep your grill working more efficiently. Clean the grates and interior with a grill brush, but don’t neglect the exterior. Warm, soapy water will have it shining and ready to serve up burgers and hot dogs all summer long.

Don’t neglect the walls of your home

Walls can collect dust as much as the rest of the surfaces in your home can. Use a dusting attachment on your vacuum or an electrostatic duster to remove dust from walls, then touch up paint as needed on interior walls and trim.

Check what’s on your shelves

Dust the items on your shelves that have collected a thin layer of dust since your last cleaning session. For areas with a thicker layer of dust, use warm, soapy water to wash off the grime, rinse, and let dry.

Prepare bedrooms for the new season

Swap out heavier bedding for lighter blankets, quilts, and sheets to help you keep cool in the warmer months. Rotate the mattresses on all beds and flip over if possible, to make sure the bed wears evenly.


Savor the summer season in style and tackle a few projects each weekend to keep your home ready for guests and fun! If you’re curious about what home maintenance tasks you should add to your to-do list each month and at the start of each season, contact the David Morris Group. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about maintaining a home, buying a home, or selling a home.