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Which Paint Colors Will Sell Your Home The Fastest?

First impressions are critical during the home-selling process, and the paint color of the walls can make or break a buyer’s decision. Surprisingly, even the type of finish can impact the buyer as they consider your property. Are you looking to make affordable improvements to your home that will not only help speed up the selling process but also raise the value of your home? Then take a look at these paint colors that will make a property catch the eye of any buyer!

An Earthy Kitchen

The age of all-white kitchens is out, and soft green is in. Sustainable living has dramatically risen in popularity over the years, making it no surprise that earthy tones and shades of green are trending in home design. While it’s important to avoid bold shades of the color, a pale green or sage is just the color to illuminate the space. Remember to let the bold aspects of a kitchen – the countertops and cabinets – tell the story of the space. An enchanting but delicate green can add to the composition while still allowing a potential buyer to envision their dream home. 

Dark And Dreamy

It may come as a surprise, but a dark wall color can do wonders for potential buyers. For some, a boldly accented wall in the living space is enough to add some personality. But for rooms that have little to no light or personality, embracing a darker hue can create a snug, comforting, and even intimate atmosphere. These darker colors are often best used in libraries, dens, office spaces, and some bedrooms.

A Pale And Peaceful Escape 

Ever since the spa trend has taken bathroom interior design by storm, the trend of the traditional white bathroom has gone. Buyers want luxury and interest in their bathrooms. Too much color, however, can detract from the peaceful escape that buyers desire. Delicate cool tones are perfect for the space, with the winning color being a pale blue that lightens a room and creates a tranquil feeling.


Now armed with this insight into the buyer’s mind, it will be that much easier to make easy and affordable improvements to your home, as simple as a splash of new paint in the kitchen! For more information on how to sell your home for the best price, contact The Davis Morris Group!