
Unique Ways To Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal And Property Value

Is 2023 the year for your home’s makeover? Whether you’re hoping to put your property on the market this year or simply looking for unique ways to increase the property value and curb appeal of your home, we have the ultimate homeowner guide for you. Let’s get started!

But First: Plan, Plan, Plan

While the financial planning and list-making often involved in a remodel are not the most fun a homeowner can have in the process, these steps are essential. Before rushing over to your local home and hardware store, make sure you have a solid plan that details how long each project will take, what each one will cost, and any other important details.

Look For Projects With A High ROI

Did you know that kitchen renovations often have the highest return on investment when it comes to home improvement projects? In fact, Zillow’s Seller’s Guide On Kitchen Remodels shows that a minor kitchen remodel can have an ROI as high as 81.1%, with more major remodels ranging from an ROI of 59% to 53.5%.

Start Small, Think Big

While it may seem like a complete bathroom makeover and kitchen remodel is the best way to increase the property value and overall appearance of your home, it’s financially important to start small. Consider repainting the bathroom, adding a stylish backsplash to the kitchen, and upgrading overhead lighting. These smaller changes can make a huge difference in the design and appeal of your property without costing you the big bucks.

For more information on improving your home’s curb appeal, contact The David Morris Group or follow our blog to stay up to date on local events, homeowner tips, and more!