
David Morris Group - 2022 Home Design Trends - 2022 Real Estate Trends - Reno Real Estate - Reno Homes

2022 Home Design Trends

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Just as fashion trends change and old styles become fresh and relevant, home trends do the same thing. From paint colors you can expect to see everywhere, plays on different textures, and popular uses for spaces in your home, let’s take a look at 2022 home design trends. You never know if one of these trends could spark some inspiration!

Color Collaborations

The two-tone color combinations you’ve seen gain popularity in kitchen renovations on HGTV are likely to stick around. Use the color wheel to find two colors that are either complementary or provide a nice contrast to allow each color to pop. It’s recommended that the darker color sits below eye level and the lighter color sits higher to create more visual interest without shrinking the feel of a space.

Outdoors Inside

With the increased time spent at home, many are finding ways to bring the outdoor elements inside with wallpapers, bedding, art, and accessories that remind them of plants, flowers, and exotic travel destinations. Colors found in nature are also being used a lot more in home designs. Earthy palettes will continue to be a prominent theme in 2022.

Upcycling Old Pieces

Some designs and furniture bring intense comfort and familiarity, but they don’t always fit a home’s style or needs. Recently, there has been a big push to reuse items in new ways. Marrying the modern with the traditional can come in several forms, like giving old pieces a new coat of paint or stain, reupholstering fabric, and even finding new uses for decor.

Abstract and Artsy

Abstract art and styles are becoming more popular and bringing comfort to a wider audience. As the world becomes filled with more information and individuals face more pressure or uncertainty, abstract pieces allow individuals to focus on how something makes them feel, connect with it in a new way, and escape the influx of words and noise happening inside their heads at any given time.


Eco-friendly materials are becoming increasingly important in homes. A wave of more sustainable textiles is being added to home design trends. Getting rid of some of the more harmful materials, like foam, which is being replaced by things like coconut hair, wool, and feathers, is a priority for designers, creators, and consumers.


2022 will bring some exciting home design trends and insights into the real estate market. If you’d like to stay up to date on what’s happening around Reno, follow our blog, and if you have questions about the Reno real estate market, contact the David Morris Group. We’re happy to be your helpful guide. Give us a call at (775) 828-3292.




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Selling a Home in a Seller’s Market

David Morris Group - Selling a Home in a Seller's Market - Selling a House in Reno - Reno Home Sales - Houses for Sale in Reno - Sparks Home Sales

In a seller’s market, there are more buyers shopping for homes than homes for sale. This generally means that sellers have more negotiating power and can receive the best offer possible. As you might have guessed, it’s best to sell your home when inventory is low and eager buyers are driving prices up, but there are also some things you’ll want to prepare for.

Selling Your Home Quickly

In a seller’s market, the home selling process can move extremely quickly, especially if your home is well-priced. Because of the increased competition, buyers want to move quickly to put in an offer on the homes they like. Waiting to put in an offer could mean that the home they love is snatched up by another buyer, so they make decisions about homes quickly.

Multiple Offers are Possible

The strong competition amongst home buyers means that if multiple buyers are looking at homes in your area, you may receive multiple offers. Multiple offers can drive up the sale price of your home as well as concessions from the buyer that meet your needs and goals, like an extended move-out period.

Issues with Appraisals

In a hot seller’s market, appraisers may not be able to complete an appraisal that properly represents what your home is worth in the current market. Appraisers might be comparing your property to properties sold a year ago or more — sales which will likely be for a lot less than your current offer. If a property doesn’t appraise for the offer price, the buyer will have a lot of difficulty getting a loan for the current offer price. You might be forced to lower your sales price or seek out buyers who are paying cash and do not need the approval of an appraiser to complete the deal.

Closing Delays

Often in a strong market, a buyer may try to expedite the loan process. Promising things the lender cannot deliver due to other factors such as appraisal delays, three-day TRID rule, survey delays, and delays getting title work back. Be patient and understand the buyer wants to close on your house as quickly as possible but is usually at the mercy of the loan and title company.


If you have questions about buying or selling a home or you simply need help understanding the current real estate market, contact the David Morris Group. We’re happy to be your guide. Give us a call at (775) 828-3292.