David Morris Group - 5 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While You Work From Home - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Reno Homes

5 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While You Work From Home

David Morris Group - 5 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While You Work From Home - Best Reno Real Estate Team - Reno Homes

Thousands of workers in Reno and around the world have had to make adjustments and learn how to work from home. For those with kids running around, it can be difficult to keep them entertained long enough to answer your phone and take care of your projects. Here are some activities to keep your kids entertained, so you’re able to focus on your work.

Bean Bag Target Practice

If you don’t have your own cornhole game, you can easily set up a bean bag tossing game of your own using Hoola hoops and laundry baskets. Your kids can spend hours trying to score the most number of points and get all of the bean bags into the targets.

Play MacGyver

Get your family to think outside of the box to make something cool or destroy something. Have your family set up a domino design, then tape a collection of toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls to the wall that you can drop a ball through to get the dominos to topple over. Give your kids a series of materials and ask them to come up with an invention the way MacGyver would.

Set Up an Indoor Golf Course

Grab a fly swatter/stick to putt a sock ball around a series of obstacles to make it into bowls, cups, or baskets. You may not be able to visit the mini-golf course, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring it to your home.

Become Rock Artists

Yards and patios could always do with some color, especially if it comes with a little love from your family. Give your kids washable paint, paintbrushes, and rocks and let the artistry begin. Once they’re dry, your kids can also glue on googly eyes, feathers, or pom poms. You can paint messages, words, wishes, etc. Then you can line them around your garden/yard as a sweet accent for your summer hangouts.

Spider Web Obstacle Course

Using tape, string, or crepe paper streamers, create a spider web maze in a hallway. String the materials across each other and let the kids crawl, twist, and climb their way through the maze. Have them try to make their way through the maze in different ways each time and without touching any of the materials. You can have your kids pretend they’re ninjas or secret agents that need to get through the maze to complete their mission.


We know that Reno families have had to make a lot of adjustments in the last few weeks, and our team is here to make this time easier for our community. If you have questions about the Reno real estate market or need anything at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to the David Morris Group at (775) 828-3292.